segunda-feira, 22 de março de 2010

Vacina para H1N1

Dada à controvérsia referente à vacina anti-H1N1, julgo oportuno a leitura deste pequeno texto do CDC dos EUA, em forma de perguntas e respostas, bastante esclarecedor:

2009 H1N1 Influenza and its Impact on People with Chronic Medical Conditions: Questions and Answers

The January 12, 2010 National Influenza Vaccination Week Webinar featured Dr. Nicole Lurie with the US Department of Health and Human Services; Dr. Anthony Fiore with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Dr. Otis Webb Brawley with American Cancer Society; Christine Tobin with American Diabetes Association; and Mary Partridge with the American Lung Association. During the webinar, the presenters answered questions from participants. This document contains additional questions and answers that followed this webinar.